Thursday, May 23, 2013

Are we ready to bid goodbye to E-Mails?

I have come across many posts which often compare e-mails to delivering letter by horseback. What the contemporary work relies on is a faster medium of communication.
Organizations have been gradually moving away from using e-mails which remained as the primary way of communication for a long period of duration.
Well, it is a known fact that people are so accustomed to using e-mails now. Hence, they find it comfortable, familiar and above all user friendly. However, the point in question is that more and more professionals are arguing that emails eat up their precious time and hinder productivity as they just wait for the reply to be received from the other end.
Corporate professionals are finding collaboration tools far more effective than e-mail as the same allows information and content exchange in a much more intuitive manner. Consider a small example, how many times do you e-mail a person whom you do not know personally. Of course, you do that, but then most of us are being formal when you are writing an e-mail to a person for the first time.
On the other hand, we have state of the art enterprise collaboration platform through which your message can reach out to virtually everyone including those to whom it is most relevant. Once again, you are saving both your energy and time by not typing out those long e-mail addresses, marking Cc and Bcc to add the respective recipients. Ultimately, that idea or content gets lost in someone’s inbox and hence the case against E-Mails.
As most professionals use one e-mail address, it is common to witness problems such as multiple emails and resulting confusion just for a small issue like deciding the time of a meeting. Messages/E-Mails being delivered to spam and not knowing which edited version is the current one are some of the common problems that people have become used to while using the E-Mails.
So what is it that we are trying to solve? It is certainly an online platform what we think can be a potential solution where everyone can contribute in open discussions (much like we do in the popular social networking websites like Facebook etc). As more and more people engage in such networking, dynamic ideas are being spread colossally by the virtue of a single click.
If you ask about my personal opinion, we are a content sharing platform, Oogwave and as a practice, we hardly exchange e-mails to communicate. We use the same platform that we offer to our customers, for sharing the content that we work on. It not only helps us keep a track of all the significant content, it is by far a faster mode of communication as we make great use of ideas which other have to offer on a given post/entry which was just not possible over E-Mails.
With organizations, people and executives using these smart sharing tools, we are certainly marking the end of mails primarily because of the following reasons:
E-Mail – An unproductive tool
For most of us, our e-mail address has become an open door for anything and everything. The content ranges from our important office documents, to unnecessary social media updates, holiday packages offer and what not. So, on the one hand we have that important document and above and below that, we have messages that we do not even want to open.
Most of the executives often complain that since they have so many connections owing to their huge network, they receive huge amounts of e-mails on a daily basis, which are often a blend of important and unimportant ones.
People expect quick replies to their queries, and it becomes cumbersome to reply to a huge number of e-mails which leaves the waiting party nothing less than in a state of frustration.
Content being lost in E-Mails
I have experienced this myself. Once, I was working on a Project which used an excel sheet primarily to track the information. It was going all fine until one of my colleagues happened to change the subject of the mail in which the thread of mails/conversation was being created. That is when the entire problem started. It was not only difficult to track multiple threads containing the same information, many links were broken as some of the team members were not included in the mail conversation started with a different subject line.
Attaching and sending files, logging on every time (multiple devices), editing or modifying different versions is indeed a challenge especially when a person is not using any supporting collaboration tools.
Chief Executive and President of Klick (a digital marketing company in Canada) Leerom Segal quotes, “We believe email is fundamentally unproductive, you need to sift through too many documents and things get lost”.
Non-Social nature of E-Mails
Today, a post is expected to be shared, re-shared and commented upon. It goes viral and reaches huge audience and it does not take much for an idea to develop into a revolution. This is certainly not what e-mail does, where the ideas gets buried in an inbox, and is seldom referred again. That viral cascade is not being triggered when one thinks of e-mails. The non-social nature of e-mails also minimizes the opportunity of innovation which is so very crucial for the success of an organization.
With the use of enterprise collaboration tools, people now have the liberty and control over what information they see as opposed to the email where the information just keeps flooding in (both solicited and unsolicited).
Losing the opportunity to use Internal Knowledge
While you can search for content in your mailbox, you cannot do that for others in your office. Hence, some of the breakthrough ideas that has been accumulated over the years is just locked up in the inbox and is not being shared to use the full potential of internal expertise. The organization is expected to be in a much better position only if they can move all this content into a searchable, common platform that adds, trains and develops all the concerned professionals within the organization.
E-Mails have served a lot to the organization but the need of the hour is moving towards a real time communication platform which can result in cost savings as it would save time which is required to log in to check that mail (which is now required more frequently than ever now). Also, with more executives using the smart devices to check e-mails, there are huge data charges involved which companies might be able to save should they be using a real time enterprise collaboration platform.
A smart organization is one which acts proactively and sets a trend rather than to follow it. Its time you try out a smart content sharing platform. Visit and register for free to experience a new way of communicating and collaborating with your colleagues to move ahead of the E-Mail era.

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