Thursday, January 23, 2014

Provide quality education to your child

Education is an inseparable part of everyone’s life. Majorly, it forms a foundation of an individual. I still remember that I heard or read a lot of stories that, education at home, in ancient times were only the option given to children belonging to elite or upper class. However, times have changed and so do the options available. Public or Private school options are available since the beginning however the homeschooling option kind of took a setback due to reasons like parents wanted their children to be independent and socializing was the topmost priority.
Gradually, parents and families are understanding the need to be with their children and provide them with quality education which is the integral part of their life. When I talk about “quality education”, I am not at all talking about the education given to the child from the common textbooks available in the market instead making them learn what is right or wrong or good or bad. In short, homeschooling is a way to bring up children learning moral and religious values.
Now a days the trend for homeschooling has increased for number of reasons like poor education environment given to a child in school, no religious or moral education given to a child, family reasons, disabilities and so on. Homeschooling allows the parents or the mentors to educate the child in a natural way. A natural way of learning actually refers to the learning where children learn through experiences and guidance of the parents or the mentors. Parents or mentors actively participate in making the child learn things through various activities or experiences that also helps the child to be completely involved with their parents or mentors and follow the path he is being directed to.
Natural learning process or homeschooling believes that a child can learn better if he does the work himself and experiences all the things in his life with the right guidance from the parents or mentors. When parents complain that their children do not get the right environment in the schools where they can do or think right, I quite agree to what they say since the schools lack moral or religious education or they lack objective knowledge. Students are more focused on what is given in their textbooks rather than learning from the real life situations or experiences. They lack the ability to think beyond the textbooks and that is where the natural learning or homeschooling concept comes in.
Homeschooling is gaining popularity for the fact that it will enhance the learning and reasoning ability of children and will help them grow into better person. If I was ever given a chance for homeschooling, I would have definitely grabbed the opportunity for myself or for anyone in the family. Quality education is what every family or parent would look for their child.
So give it a thought!!!

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